How to Write a Resignation Letter in 2025

So you have decided to move on from your current job and you want to leave on a good note. This is where your well-written resignation letter comes in. I always define a resignation letter as a document that notifies your boss or employer that you are leaving your job. It makes your departure official, and this type of letter can be written as a printed letter or sent as an email message.

I can tell you from experience that informing your current employer that you’re quitting the company is never easy to do. Especially if you find yourself when you already applied for a new job elsewhere but the new company has not informed you of the date of resumption for your new job. At first, you are worried about and ask questions like, “What if after submitting my resignation letter, the new job eventually does not work out as planned?”

I want you to know that you owe it not just to your boss but also to your current colleagues, to submit your resignation letter before you quit. You don’t just vanish, because if you do, it is those staff you left behind that will suffer the cost of your disappearance by carrying out extra duties. In your resignation letter simply state your current job role or title and the date when your resignation will officially become effective. That way, your employer can prepare in advance and hire a new staff to replace you.

In your resignation letter, you do not always need to explain why you’re leaving, but if your desire to leave the company was triggered because of a disputed matter, you can make your explanation in the letter. Now remember that what is included or not included in the letter is all your choice to make.

What to write in your resignation letter

Although your resignation letter contents should be tailored based on your current job role, rank, and company, there are basic elements your resignation letter should include:

  • Your resignation letter must provide the details about the last day you will be working with the organization as a staff.
  • You should indicate in your resignation letter that you are open to the idea of helping in the smooth transition process for the new staff who would be hired to replace you.
  • Indicate that before you leave the company, you will have completed your remaining projects and promise to organize files and documents.
  • Gratitude is important, remember that it never hurts to say “Oh thank you.” While with the company, you learn new skills so make sure you appreciate the employer for the opportunity to be part of a great team.
  • Promise to stay in touch with everyone and let the employer know that shortly, you may need to get a reference letter from him or her, and you hope he or she will be gracious by being of assistance to you.
  • Make sure you wish your current employer and colleagues success.
  • Should your employer need to reach out to you in the future, make sure that you Include your current contact information.

What to avoid in your Resignation Letter

Now let us talk about what contents should be left out of your resignation letter if you wish to be polite and professional:

  • Leave out complaints against your employer or current co-workers.
  • Leave out long stories, simply keep the letter simple by sticking to only the important kind of stuff.
  • Do not brag about getting a better job.
  • Do not list the shortcomings of your current employer in your resignation letter.

So, my good friends, these are the key tips you need to write a polite and appropriate resignation letter.

Updated: January 4, 2025 — 8:46 am

The Author

Jane Ada

Jane Ada is a Author and writer with firsthand knowledge of the skills needed to run small businesses. As an entrepreneur herself, she writes about how entrepreneurs can choose the right business and grow their businesses.